Healthy controls underwent 3T MRI (MAGNETOM TrioTim, Siemens, Medical Systems, Erlangen, Germany) to acquire: (a) T1-weighted volumetric sequence (TR = 11.0 ms, TE = 5.0 ms, FOV = 1536*1536 mm2, matrix = 208*256, slice thickness = 8.0 mm, flip angle = 7.0°), and (b) two runs of gradient echo planar imaging fMRI (TR = 1.5 ms, TE = 33 ms, FOV = 204*204 mm2, matrix = 104*104, slice thickness = 2 mm, flip angle = 85.0°, volumes = 200, GRAPPA acceleration factor of 2, multi-band slice acceleration factor of 3). We used a MRI compatible joystick (FOJ-2B-10B, NAtA technologies) with 67 Hz sampling frequency of x and y joystick positions (Figure (Figure1).1). To facilitate use of the joystick inside the MRI bore, the handle was shortened (Figure (Figure1B).1B). During imaging, the joystick was stabilized on the subject’s torso using a wedge-shaped foam pillow that allowed the subject to lie in a more comfortable position.
Category: NataTech Citations in Research