Experimental task. Te experimental paradigm was programmed using Cogent 2000 v125 (http://www.
vislab.ucl.ac.uk/cogent.php) and Matlab R2015b (Te MathWorks, Inc.) and was projected onto a screen and
presented to the participants in the scanner through a mirror on the head coil. Te distance from the eyes of the
participants to the screen was 50cm. Stimuli were white and displayed on a black background. An MR-compatible
keypad (NAtA Technologies, Coquitlam, Canada) was used to respond with the right hand (see also31,50).
To assess the participants’ ability to inhibit a prepotent response and to sustain attention, a Go/No-go task as
described in Mehren et al.50 was utilized. Letters of the alphabet were presented in an event-related design. Each
trial started with the presentation of a single letter for 0.25sec, followed by a variable post stimulus interval during
which a fxation cross was visible. Trial duration was either 2, 6, or 8sec, with predominantly shorter trials (mean
trial length=3.5 sec). Participants were instructed to respond to every letter (Go trials) by pressing a key with
their right index fnger, except to the letter ‘X’ (No-go trials). Tey were told to focus on the fxation cross during
the entire experiment and to respond as fast and accurate as possible.
